VoCol - An Integrated Environment for Collaborative Vocabulary Development.
Linked Data vocabularies are a crucial building block of the Semantic Data Web and semantic-aware data-value chains. Vocabularies reflect a consensus among experts in a certain application domain. They are thus implemented in collaboration of domain experts and knowledge engineers. Particularly the presence of domain experts with little technical background requires a low-threshold vocabulary engineering environment.

Inspired by agile software and content development methodologies, the VoCol methodology and tool environment addresses this requirement. VoCol is implemented without dependencies on complex software components, it provides collaborators with comprehensible feedback on syntax and semantics errors in a tight loop, and gives access to a human-readable presentation of the vocabulary. The VoCol environment is employing loose coupling of different components for syntax validation, documentation generation, visualization, etc. on top of a standard Git repository. All VoCol components, even the repository engine, can be exchanged with little effort.

EIS tib

Fraunhofer IAIS Uni Bonn


Table below lists the projects that are using VoCol as a collaborative environment:

# Project Name Short Description Homepage
1 STO An Ontology for Industry 4.0 Standards https://vocol.iais.fraunhofer.de/sto/
2 IDS Industrial Dataspace Vocabulary https://vocol.iais.fraunhofer.de/ids/
8 RAMI Reference Architecture Model for Industry 4.0 https://vocol.iais.fraunhofer.de/rami/
9 NOSQL An ontology about NOSQL databases and related terms. https://vocol.iais.fraunhofer.de/NoSQLOnto/

Overview of the Methodology and Architecture

The objective of VoCol is to support the fundamental activities such as modeling, population and testing during vocabulary development.

VoCol is composed from a set of smaller components according to the functionalities they provide. Each of these components is exchangeable and can be replaced by alternatives.

Related Publications

Read more about VoCol in the following papers:

L. Halilaj, N. Petersen, I. Grangel-González, Ch. Lange, S. Auer, G. Coskun, S. Lohmann: VoCol: An Integrated Environment to Support Version-Controlled Vocabulary Development. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2016), pp. 303-319, LNAI vol. 10024, Springer, 2016. [BibTex]

L. Halilaj, I. Grangel-González, G. Coskun, S. Lohmann, S. Auer: Git4Voc: Collaborative Vocabulary Development Based on Git. In International Journal of Semantic Computing (IJSC), pp. 167-192, vol. 10, no. 2, 2016. [BibTex]

More information about VoCol, you can find in the following Github repository: https://github.com/vocol/vocol.